Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hydrogen atom consists

A hydrogen atom consists of an atom of the chemical element hydrogen. It is an electrically neutral atom which contains a single positively-charged proton and a single negatively-charged electron and they are bound to the nucleus by the Coulomb force. Hydrogen-1, protium, or light hydrogen is the most abundant isotope and it contains no neutrons. There are other isotopes of hydrogen, such as deuterium which contains one or more neutrons.

Niels Bohr in the year 1914 got hold of the spectral frequencies of the hydrogen atom subsequent to making a number of straightforward assumptions. The assumptions were not fully right but they gave up the proper energy answers.

Schrödinger equation and Hydrogen atom

The confirmation of the Bohr's results for the frequencies and underlying energy values were done using Schrödinger equation between the years 1925-1926. The clarification to the Schrödinger equation for hydrogen is systematic. This equation can be used to find out energy levels and thus the hydrogen spectral lines frequencies can be measured. The explanation of the Schrödinger equation goes much advance than the Bohr model nevertheless, for the reason that it also gives way to the shape of the electron's wave function ("orbital") for the various possible quantum-mechanical states, thus clearing up the anisotropic character of atomic bonds. This equation for the hydrogen atom is based on the fact that the coloumb potential which is produced by the nucleus is isotropic in nature. It is radially symmetrical in space and depends on the distance to the nucleus. The resulting eigen energy functions are not isotropic themselves.

Hydrogen ion

In ordinary chemistry, hydrogen is not found without its electron at room temperatures and pressure. Ionized hydrogen is written as "H+". Ionized hydrogen in case of the salvation of classical acids like hydrochloric acids forms hydronium ion. Hydronium ion is written as H3O+. This refers to the entire hydronium ion and to a single ionized hydrogen atom. In this type of case, the proton is transferred by acid from water to the hydronium ion. This type of ionized hydrogen without their electron or free protons is commonly observed in the solar wind and interstellar medium

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